by C.B. Scott Jones, Ph.D.
from BrotherBlue Website
recovered through WayBackMachine
There is so
much unreal about reported UFO phenomena that it is easy to brush
it off as either delusion or fantasy. When links can be made with
earth-base phenomena and UFO phenomena, there is a basis for advancing the
The last speech in this collection is perhaps the most
important of the group. The reason for this statement is that this 1994
talk is focused on what may be the government’s dilemma in trying to
handle UFO phenomena.
In some respects it is a tough speech,
and probably upsetting to parts of the intelligence community. I have
enough enemies as it is, and do not want to cultivate any more than I have
to while moving through life. However, the issue of excessive government
secrecy is critical to the survival of democracy. This is one issue that
is worth risk taking.
You will note that in the talk I link a
particular aspect of UFO phenomena, mind influence and mind
control, with a earth-based capability in the same area. More is known
about the earth-based capability than the reported UFO capability. The
point is this, when the full earth-based capability in this area is known
to the Congress and the American public, it should be an adequate wake-up
call to get serious about the dialog on UFO phenomena.
Congress wants to continue to dodge its responsibilities concerning UFO
phenomena, perhaps it will want to look under the rock that covers our
nation’s activity in mind control technology.
Matrix Of UFO
The Directors of
Project Awareness have selected a provocative and appropriate theme
for this convention: UFOs and New Frontiers -- Connecting with the
Larger Reality. My contribution to this theme will be centered around
an anchor the Human Potential Foundation
has found useful in its work in the UFO field for the past several years.
The main thrust of the Foundation’s involvement in the UFO field
has been a low key approach to the current administration, encouraging it
to review the policy it inherited concerning secrecy about UFO
phenomena, and urging it to change the policy to one of openness --
sharing with the American public and the world what special knowledge it
may have on the subject.
I suspect most of you know, there is a
world of opinions about UFO phenomena, but we could not identify
any body of evidence that would be generally accepted as proof of any
hypothesis concerning that phenomena. We felt, therefore, that it would be
helpful to have a starting point for discussion that generally defined, in
summary, where we are on the subject. We were not seeking a consensus of
belief, but rather a statement about the spectrum of beliefs.
Personally I
think that there currently is only one reasonable consensus: there is not
sufficient information in the public domain to support a logical and
rational belief structure. I also believe that *somewhere* there is enough
information to support a logical and rational belief structure concerning
what we call UFO phenomena. I don’t want to disappear into a semantic fog,
but it would probably take a good deal of effort to get agreement on what
exactly is considered to be "UFO phenomena." I know for sure that
we have our labels wrong.
The issue is
not Unidentified Flying Objects: discs, triangular, cigar or other
shaped craft. That is at best merely one possible manifestation of
what we really are interested in. Abduction phenomena is another
poor and misleading label. Again, I suspect that it is another
manifestation of a more encompassing phenomena that so far no one has been
smart enough or bold enough to identify. I’ll give it a try later because
it is one of our Matrix entries.
The UFO Matrix of Belief
presents the spectrum of scenarios found in current literature which are
used to explain so-called UFO or ETI activity, or the lack
thereof. Each matrix item has a supporting constituency. Some of these
constituencies are quite vocal and apparently confident that the data with
which they are familiar are adequate to support their belief systems in
these areas.
Others are less
vocal, but no less confident that their current belief structures are the
most reasonable, given the data which are generally accepted. There most
certainly is a large minority which is not willing to commit to one matrix
entry over another, or in combination, until additional data are
The following
are Matrix of Belief entries which purport to explain UFO
sightings except for a small minority which lack detail can be
explained in terms of naturally occurring phenomena.
phenomena are explained by craft from off planet, but from the visible
phenomena are explained by interdimensional penetrations by
other intelligences or life-forms, based in or operating from another
(parallel) overlapping dimension than our own time-space.
phenomena are explained by earth-based "others," referenced throughout
history, who may be other lifeforms, or predominately resident in
realms or dimensions we term spiritual.
phenomena are explained by hoaxes or dramatic scenarios perpetrated by
various intelligence organizations as part of broader security or
disinformational campaigns.
phenomena are broader social engineering, or population
mind-influencing programs designed to promote a more universal
planetary consciousness and to reduce the influence of nationalistic
or religious traditions.
phenomena are examples of technologies springing from
multi-dimensional science, either Earth-based and surrounded by a
bodyguard of lies, and/or non-Earth-based but rejected by most as
outside the current scientific paradigm.
phenomena are any combination of the above, including "all of the
above." Intent: unknown.
A second
part of the Matrix concerns possible U.S. Government levels of
awareness, involvement and/or control of the phenomena termed UFO.
There is no
government activity inasmuch as the phenomena are explained by
naturally occurring events.
government is aware, but not directly involved or in contact with the
perpetrating forces.
government is in contact to some degree, and cooperating with at least
some of the source-phenomena or intelligences, either for technology
trading or because government believes it has no choice.
government is the perpetrator of at least some of the phenomenology,
perhaps drawing on the source experience for ideas and methods, but
employing the events for other purposes such as intelligence,
disinformation, or to alarm other nations.
At least
some UFO phenomena are results of government or other agency sponsored
experiments in mind-control, or social control experiments or
As an
institution, the Human Potential Foundation does not endorse any of
the Matrix entries. As we have distributed it over the past months, we
have stated that it was prepared to stimulate discussion and research into
the broad spectrum of ideas that are represented in current literature
addressing what are popularly known as UFO phenomena. Of course,
everyone in the Foundation has his or her favorite Matrix entry,
but I have observed that these change from time to time.
There has
always been agreement in the Foundation that we need more data, and
that the U.S. Government and other governments of the world can and should
play a positive role in sharing what they know, and openly to assist in
gathering more information and to be a full partner in interpreting all
available information. As tax payers we have paid billions to develop,
deploy and maintain land-based, sea-based and space-based sensors. There
can absolutely be no doubt that some of these systems have engaged and
recorded some aspect of UFO phenomena. Where is the data, what does
it mean?
There are several Matrix entries that I want to discuss,
and I also want to share some thoughts about the Cold War and what impact
it may have had on decisions to withhold information about UFO phenomena
from the general public.
It is generally accepted in Washington
that the Cold War is over, and that the West won.
Personally, I think a better assessment is that humankind won. However,
the point I want to make is that the energy that went into fighting the
Cold War was huge on both sides. It was ultimately a cost that the Soviet
Union could not continue to carry, and exhausted itself in the attempt.
The economic burden of sustaining an empire and maintaining a huge
military establishment was crushing.
As William
G. Hyland and other close observers of the world scene have observed,
the Soviet system failed because it was inherently and fatally flawed. Its
political philosophy was oppressive and supported a rigid hierarchy. Its
economic system was inefficient and suppressed incentives to perform at
anywhere close to normal potential. The Communist Party in the Soviet
Union was mirrored in Eastern Europe. The system had become thoroughly
corrupt. Communist leadership had degenerated into a venal, arrogant
oligarchy, living like oriental potentates while their own people were
desperate. However, if the system had been efficient, the Cold War would
either still be going on, or the West would have lost. There was no lack
of intent to defeat the West.
What does this have to do
with UFO phenomena? I am suggesting that in both the Soviet
Union and the United States, decisions were made to place on hold any
effort to respond to UFO phenomena while the Cold War was raging, and its
outcome unsure.
I assume that throughout the period of the Cold
War, both countries were experiencing similar UFO phenomena, and very
likely their assessments and responses were also similar.
argument can be made that due to cultural differences, the Soviet and U.S.
responses to the same UFO phenomena would be different, not similar. I
would agree that there would be some differences, but suggest that there
would be more similarities than differences, and absolutely no differences
in the area of vital national interests. Most of us remember Winston
Churchill’ s elegant and famous phrase that described the Russian as
"a riddle wrapped in an enigma;" but the second half of his statement is
usually overlooked.
Churchill added that the secret to the riddle was the
Russian national interest. The primal national interest of all countries
is to survive as a national entity, i.e., the protection of their existing
territory, and the preservation of their prestige from a massive loss of
face. These are interests in common with all nations, and the prestige
issue on the subject of UFOs is a current one for the U.S.
In regard to observed UFO phenomena, I imagine
during the Cold War that in both countries questions such as the following
were raised:
Is this a
threat to sovereignty and national security?
without a direct physical threat, is our country and culture somehow in
peril from the source of this phenomena?
What are
the threat components from UFO phenomena?
Can any of
the threat components be neutralized, or do we have to learn to live
with them?
Is this a
separate threat, or in some way associated with my Cold War adversary?
Is there
some way that UFO phenomena can be used to my advantage against my Cold
War enemy?
Can we be
sure that our Cold War adversary won’t be able to use it against us?
What are
the technological significances to be learned from UFO phenomena? Can we
capitalize on these in any way?
Will our
Cold War enemy be able to capitalize on these UFO technologies?
Should we
consider ending or setting aside the Cold War relationship in order to
have unilateral or joint resources available to address possible threats
from the source of UFO phenomena?
How do we
handle the "threat capability verses intention" issue, and finally -
In view of
the Cold War economic and psychological burdens being carried by our
citizens, would additional knowledge about the reality of UFO phenomena
be more than the citizenry could handle?
There is no
evidence that I know of in the public domain about how these questions may
have been answered. There is, as Zecharia Sitchin has
documented in his book, Genesis Revisited, the provocative statements of President
Reagan and Mikhail
Gorbachev concerning the possibility of joint response to some outside
threat to the Earth. Following their meeting in Geneva in November 1985,
Reagan told about one part of their private discussions.
speaking of their meeting said:
"Just think
how easy his task and mine might be in these meetings that we held if
suddenly there was a threat to this world from some other species from
another planet outside in the universe. We’d forget all the little local
differences that we have between our countries and we would find out
once and for all that we are all human beings here on this earth
Over a year
later in February 1987, Gorbachev confirmed what some up to that
time had considered to be merely Reagan’s musings.
At a conference
in Moscow on the "Survival of Humanity," Gorbachev said:
"In our
meeting in Geneva, the U.S. President said that if earth faced an
invasion by extraterrestrials, the United States and the Soviet
Union would join forces to repel such an invasion. I shall not dispute
the hypothesis, though I think it’s early yet to worry about such an
By this time,
the Cold War actually was over, and the leaders in Moscow knew that. My
personal contacts in the Soviet scientific community had been telling me
that this was the case and the scramble for personal survival was on. They
could not predict if the pending revolution in Eastern Europe and in the
Soviet Union would be bloody or not. I will leave this side bar of Cold
War history, with some observations.
During a visit to Moscow, at
the Institute of Theoretical Problems, I was informed by the
director that a very senior scientist wanted to meet with me on an
important subject. At the Institute we had been discussing its
parapsychological and UFO research. I was informed that the
scientist was a respected Hero of the Soviet Union, and was responsible
for the huge phase array radar near Krasnoyarsk. That particular
radar had been cited by the United States as a violation of the
Antiballistic Missile Treaty.
The Soviets had
denied this and were going through extraordinary contortions to make their
case. For thirty minutes I was lectured on the short-sightedness of the
U.S. in trying to force the Soviets to dismantle the radar. The insistence
was that it was a vital installation, and technically not in violation of
the treaty. I countered by saying that I was not knowledgeable enough with
details of the treaty to make a judgment whether or not there was merit to
his argument, and observed that he obviously was not making a technical
case to me, but simply asserting that the radar was important and needed.
I conceded that
the Soviet military and scientists would naturally feel that it was
important, and be resentful that their diplomats had given it away. I
asked what he wanted me to do about it. He requested me to carry his
message to Senator Claiborne Pell, Chairman of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee. I promised him that I would. The broader
issue was the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), the child
of President Reagan, and the principal sticking point that
Bush and Gorbachev had to negotiate away.
When I
briefed Senator Pell and senior members of the Foreign Relations
committee staff about the conversation I had in Moscow, it met nothing
special to them. Looking back on that incident, it is obvious that I
missed an opportunity in Moscow to question whether the importance of the
radar site was related to UFO phenomena. I now suspect that it was,
and that they made the assumption that Senator Pell would make the link.
Alas, the Soviets did not know how compartmentalized UFO information is in
the U.S. government, and that the Congress has not been determined to have
a "need to know."
Except for a small number of unreconstructed
Cold Warriors in the U.S. and Russia, the Cold War is over. That means
that the energy and treasure previously dedicated to that issue has become
available for other uses. However, don’t spend too much time looking for
the Cold War dividend. The nature of the bureaucratic beast assures that
nothing will be refunded to the tax payer. Recently the Campaign for
New Priorities (an organization I know nothing about) announced that
the Clinton budget for Star Wars and related programs is
still larger than the combined federal outlays for small business loans,
Head Start, child immunization, mass transit, summer youth jobs and Pell
educational grants.
Such a
statement doesn’t mean much without the availability of actual figures.
However, parts of Star Wars do survive. The question is why? The
power of some Congressmen to keep military spending in their home
districts is part of the answer. The known successes in developing various
Star Wars technology is so marginal, that it is hard to believe that
another answer is that a pending technological breakthrough justifies
continuing R&D expenditures.
acknowledged value of Star Wars was its use as a bargaining chip in
getting the Russians to agree actually to destroy missiles and nuclear
warheads. Was there, is there another reason for Star Wars
technology that is intended to address UFO phenomena? I don’t
know, but we must think about this because of the assumptions that drive
such a consideration.
Reagan made two more public
statements on the subject. In September 1987, in an address to the
General Assembly of the United Nations, he said:
"In our obsession with antagonisms of
the moment we often forget how much unites all the members of
humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to recognize
this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences would
vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world."
Reagan’s last
public statement on the subject came seven months later in May 1988, in
Chicago at a meeting with the National Strategy Forum:
"What would
happen if all of us in the world discovered that we were threatened by
an outer -- a power from outer space -- from another planet."
What is
important about these statements? A number of things, but looking
carefully at Reagan’s assumptions, they tell us much about the man and
about possible government policy on the subject. The most important
assumption is that there is a "threat" to the world. Explicitly it
is an "alien" threat, from some "other species," not human.
This was the president of the United States speaking publicly for
the record, and the subject was confirmed by another head of state. How
many lead stories in national newspapers and weekly news magazines picked
up on this? How many editorials were written exploring the subject and the
president’s concerns? Zero. The reason for that will be discussed later.
But what about the assumptions of a threat from a non-human alien
species? Where did that information come from?
We can look at
this two ways. Either Reagan had slipped a cog (after all, he was
the person who said that trees are a primary source of pollution), or he
was making a statement based upon information he received as the president
of the United States. Because it was repeated three times over a period of
nearly two years, it has the earmarks of an official statement. It may be
official, but is it accurate? Not knowing what the government knows, it is
impossible to answer that question. However, the same question can be
asked of the private UFO research community. Based upon what they
know about UFO phenomena, do you think that they would agree with
Reagan that the world faces a threat from non-human aliens? You
would get three different answers to this questions: "yes," "no," and "I
don’t know."
In my view the
most reasonable answer is "I don’t know." Of course, the "yes" answer is
correct for those who are seeking a new enemy to replace the old Soviet
Union, even if there is no evidence of hostile intent on the part of the
visiting others. That may have been Reagan’s attitude. I would assume that
those who would answer "no" would include those who believe they have had
a personal interaction with the visiting others, and on balance feel that
the interaction was positive.
Without an informative data base, we
should be conservative in making judgments concerning the "threat"
potential from UFO phenomena. If any country of our contemporary world was
capable of extending its human presence to an inhabited planet of another
star system, I would be fearful for that community, given the general
track record of violence on earth. I don’t know who may be interacting
with us, but if we try to meet them with aggressive Star Wars
technology, the hopeless outcome is easy to predict.
On the
other hand, if we meet visiting cultures with fearless curiosity and a
genuine willingness to try to understand their needs and offer what we
can, and to ask for assistance that we need, the outcome may be uncertain,
but the dance will have begun.
The point is that this critical
decision is too important for any government to make in secret. I am sure
that the counterpart to the "Better Dead than Red" group has
already been formed.
I am certain that a major problem the
government faces concerns how to handle the "capabilities versus
intention" issue. Those of you with government intelligence experience
know what this issue is. A major responsibility of the intelligence
community is to estimate a potential enemy’s military capability. For
example, how many ICBMs, what range, what size warhead, what reaction time
to launch, what accuracy, what reliability, etc. However, political
leaders routinely ask additional questions. Given that the enemy has 1,000
ICBMs, under what conditions will he use them, does he intend to launch a
preemptive strike, etc.? In their minds is the apparent logical link that
the reason a country has a certain military capability is that it intends
to use it. This is always easy to believe about an enemy state, while on
the other hand, your country has military capabilities for defensive use
We have to wonder how the world’s intelligence communities
have assessed UFO phenomena. What capability assessment have they
made? From public reports, craft can hover and then accelerate at such a
rate that they fly out of visual range in a matter of seconds.
Alternatively, they can "blink out" without obvious movement. This is the
ultimate stealth technology. There are reports that when the pilot of an
intercepting aircraft starts to arm his weapon systems, he immediately
looses other critical aircraft systems that keeps him from pressing home
his attack. The suggestion is that somehow his aggressive intent is
immediately known to his potential target, and effective countermeasures
are instantly engaged. Then there are numerous reports that the visiting
others are capable of taking over the mind of an individual and obtaining
a complete data dump. Communication is also reported in terms of robust
parapsychological phenomena, for example, telepathy.
If they can
control our weapon systems and take over our minds, they apparently can do
anything they want to do. But do these monster powers make them monsters?
And what are their intentions? If you had the responsibility of briefing
the president on these issues, what would you tell him? Knowing the
president, would you tell Jimmy Carter one thing and Ronald Reagan
another? And who are you, a faceless bureaucrat in an unnamed agency?
The issue is too important to be handled by a faceless bureaucrat
in an unnamed agency. The American public and the U.S. Congress must be
Earlier I asked the question why there was no press
response to Reagan’s extraordinary statements concerning a space
threat to the world. The short answer is that the press has
effectively been taken out of the loop by the success of a
counterintelligence program targeted against the American public and the
press. The government wants no restrictions on how it attempts to handle
what we are calling UFO phenomena. To get this freedom of action, a
clamp of secrecy and stealth intimidation of the press has been employed.
The program has
been so successful against the press, that it doesn’t even recognize the
wound. The process apparently was to stage a number of "UFO events," get
the press charging to the bait and then with fanfare show that it was
either a hoax or misinterpretation of natural phenomena. When print
editors hear: "UFO," "UFO," we get the same response from them that the
village finally gave the young sheep herder who cried "Wolf" too many
This program of ridicule along with super secrecy
and an aggressive way of dealing with individuals who officially know
something about the facts and begin to talk have been adequate to keep the
lid on what the government really knows and what it is doing about it. Of
course we all wish them well in whatever they are doing, but with the
pressures of the Cold War gone, and for the first time in over forty years
the Executive can turn fully to this "problem," I frankly am very
concerned about what decisions are being made without involvement of the
normal democratic process.
Now, it may not be as critical as we
fear. There is the possibility that a few government scientists and
outside aerospace contractors are still staring intently at some assumed
or known other-worldly crash material and continue to be unable to reverse engineer it. If
that is the case, the super secrecy is based more on embarrassment than
anything else, and to admit this would be a huge loss of face by some part
of the government.
On the other hand, there are a host of
scenarios that presume a rich interaction between the government and
various off-earth cultures. The facts are that the public does not know
what, if anything, has been going on, and president Reagan’s
ravings or trial balloons didn’t move the mark one millimeter. What
probably did happen was that the director of the counterintelligence
program was staggered at the effectiveness of his efforts.
are two simple scenarios to consider:
UFO phenomena
are real and a counterintelligence operation involving disinformation
has been employed to protect this fact.
phenomena, real or not, are also part of a counter- intelligence
operation of disinformation to protect something of greater value, e.g.,
multidimensional science and technology.
(The ultimate
invisibility; stealth -- invisibility; communications; greater
propulsion; remote mind control; unlimited, non-polluting energy)
One of the
Matrix entries concerns itself with multidimensional science. It
phenomena are examples of technologies springing from multi-dimensional
science, either Earth-based and surrounded by a bodyguard of lies,
and/or non-Earth-based but rejected by most as outside the current
scientific paradigm."
Most of the
literature on this subject comes from Russia, and parts of Eastern Europe.
In the hours of briefings and discussions I have had with Russian
scientists, the subject frequently arises. They seem to be both
comfortable with it and knowledgeable about it. Only a few U.S. scientists
appear to have much interest in it. For both U.S. and Russian scientists,
the work of Tesla is a touchstone for the subject. A few U.S. researchers
have told me that when they became involved in this type of research,
serious problems developed and persisted until they dropped their efforts.
That suggests that a classified program exists with military
applications, and that these particular scientists were not among the
few to be allowed to work in the area.
The Foundation has
followed several of these trails. The easiest one was mind control
technology, and this, as you may recall, is one of the Matrix entries for
possible Government involvement and/or control of UFO phenomena.
This is a little discussed and disturbing area of government activity.
Stan Friedman talked a little bit about this yesterday when he told
about the success that John Marks had under the Freedom of
Information Act in obtaining documentation about the CIA MKULTRA program. Perhaps
in the style of Paul Harvey’s "Now, the rest of the story,"
later I will pick up where Stan left off on this particular case.
Over the years, a number of citizens have reported that following
what they thought and reported was a UFO sighting or some sort of
interaction with UFO phenomena, they were visited by "government
personnel" and questioned about their experience. Some also claim that
evidence in the form of photographs was either asked for or demanded by
these alleged agents of government.
More extreme
claims have been made, including various forms and intensity of
harassment. This data supports the existence of government policy to
discourage activity and discussion by private organizations and
individuals on the UFO subject. If this is true, then it predicts the
existence of a government organization to implement this policy. While
there may be no evidence concerning what level in government such a policy
may have been articulated, there can be no doubt that such a policy and
every enforcement action of it is illegal and a gross violation of the
rights of U.S. citizens.
It seems fair for anyone who is making an
effort to get the White House to change its inherited policy of
secrecy to one of openness, to know the type of personnel who play the
important counterintelligence game. In a Colloquium on Counterintelligence
they were described by Major General Edmund R. Thompson, U.S. Army,
former Assistant Chief of Staff, Department of the Army, this way:
"I too have
long believed that successful deception or counter-deception efforts
require that kind of outlook, skills and especially operational mind
that intelligence and counter intelligence people have -- or as Eric
Ambler has described us: ’the most suspicious, unbelieving,
unreasonable, petty, inhuman, sadistic, double-crossing set of bastards
in any language.’"
If a
counterintelligence program has been in effect against the American
people, it is so abhorrent that it virtually assures, in my opinion, that
its development and implementation is layers below the White House.
There have been enough men of integrity in the office of the president to
believe that they would not have allowed such a program to continue if
they had known about it.
This is not to suggest that the
President is not briefed on the subject of UFO phenomena
when he comes into office. However, there is speculation whether or not
such a briefing is automatic with every incumbent, and how complete each
briefing may be.
If the above is correct or even partially so, how
could the government get into such a mess? It very likely had an innocent
beginning, but over the years has become a problem within and outside of
government, the extent of which is known to very few. Here is one
scenario. In the late 1940’s or early 1950’s, there was one or more UFO
incidents that convinced people in authority that earth was in interaction
with cultures of unknown origin.
The response
was predictable. The military insisted upon absolute secrecy while
attempts to assess potential threat to national security were being
made. Whatever tangible items for investigation were available, possibly
material from a crashed vehicle and bodies of crew members, either failed
to yield unambiguous evidence of a threat, or defied our best efforts to
reverse engineer the material in order to reach some conclusion.
A decision, not
unreasonable, was made to keep the secret in anticipation that future
additional evidence would add clarity to a confusing picture, or that our
own future engineering and technological advances would allow us to begin
to solve the mystery. Over forty years later we are essentially in the
same position, hoping that the next piece of evidence will be critical to
a denied understanding, and still blocked from penetrating technology that
may be ten thousand or hundreds of thousands of years in advance of ours,
or simply based upon another metaphysics that we cannot handle.
The above is a simple scenario and it needs no embellishment to
explain the government’s continued want for secrecy on the subject. What
does need to be explained is what someone in government may have been
willing to do in order to keep the secrecy lid in place.
Concurrent with this there may be at least two opportunistic
coat-tailing programs, attempting to use the government’s policy of UFO
phenomena secrecy and the public’s interest in UFO phenomena to
cover other activity. One of these is essentially benign; research and
development programs of the military services and possibly NASA, on
advanced air and space systems. The attempt here is to shield
R&D (research and development) programs for as long as
possible from foreign intelligence penetration.
The motivation
is not to keep U.S. taxpayers in the dark, but rather the realization that
if the information is available to them, it is also available to other
countries’ intelligence services. This would be a legitimate
counterintelligence program, and the people running it, probably the Air
Force, need not know anything about real UFO phenomena. It is
associated in name only.
The second program that may be cruising
along with UFO phenomena cover is not benign. The subject is
mind control and mind influence
technology. It may be an unrevealed facet from one of the
"family jewels" from the mid-1970’s when the CIA was plunged into
purgatory by the investigation of the Senate’s Select Committee to
Study Government Operations with Respect the Intelligence Operations
(the Church Committee), and the Rockefeller Commission
established by President Ford. These investigations uncovered Project MKULTRA, the
CIA’s program of research and testing the use of drugs in
behavioral modification.
The Senate Committee report on
MKULTRA is critical reading for anyone becoming educated on how a
black (secret) project is run, and why it is so difficult to locate the
records. (U.S. Senate, April 26, 1976)
Few accounts of the
MKULTRA program fully identify what is available in the public
record about it. Most attention is given to the use of LSD, and the
tragic loss of at least one life as the result of it. Attention has been
focused on the drug component of the program. There were other identified
components, and some subprojects that never were identified.
subjects of identified subprojects are:
of behavioral drugs and/or alcohol
on hypnosis and drugs and hypnosis in combination
of magicians’ art useful in covert operations, e.g., surreptitious
delivery of drug-related materials
of human behavior, sleep research, and behavioral changes during
searches and attendance at seminars and international conferences on
behavioral modification
motivational studies, studies of defectors; polygraph
on drugs, toxins, and biologicals in human tissue
of exotic pathogens and the capability to incorporate them in
effective delivery systems
unspecified support for activities connected with the Army’s
Special Division at Ft. Detrick, MD (this included project
MKNAOMI, wherein the Army developed darts coated with the
biological agents, and pills containing several different biological
agents which could remain potent for months)
electroshock; harassment techniques for offensive
of extrasensory perception
propelled sprays and aerosols
crop and
material sabotage
grouping" research
storage and transfer in organic systems
and response in biological systems
examination of techniques to cause brain concussion and amnesia
by weapons or sound waves
controlling the activity of
there were three other subprojects about which there are no public
A reported 185 non-government researchers worked on the
149 subprojects in:
The argument
inside the Agency for this research was the belief that hostile
powers had used chemical and biological agents in interrogations,
brainwashing, and in attacks designed to harass, disable, or kill. This
was part of the legitimate fear and paranoia of the cold war.
The Chief of
the Medical Staff of the CIA noted in 1952:
"There is
ample evidence in the reports of innumerable interrogations that the
Communists were utilizing drugs, physical duress, electric shock, and
possibly hypnosis against their enemies. With such evidence it is
difficult not to keep from becoming rabid about our apparent laxity. We
are forced by this mounting evidence to assume a more aggressive role in
the development of these techniques, but must be cautious to maintain
strict inviolable control because of the havoc that could be wrought by
such techniques in unscrupulous hands."
(U.S. Senate,
August 3, 1977, p. 73)
From the
record, there is no evidence of attempts to secure approval for the most
controversial aspects of this program from the executive branch or
Congress, and that even some of the various Directors of CIA during
the period of MKULTRA were uninformed about the details of the
subprojects. It was also deemed imperative that these programs be
concealed from the American people.
Inspector General wrote in 1952:
must be taken not only to protect operations from exposure to enemy
forces but also to conceal these activities from the American public in
general. The knowledge that the Agency is engaging in unethical and
illicit activities would have serious repercussions in political and
diplomatic circles and would be detrimental to the accomplishment of the
(Ibid., p.
The list of the
MKULTRA subprojects provides a vital insight. Even though some of
the cryptic descriptions fail to reveal what the subject really was, it is
the absence of a specific subject that is most important. For discussion
let us grant that the CIA’s prime motivation for this undertaking
was as stated. It is believable that there was genuine concern about
Communists capabilities in these areas. It follows then that the Agency
would be thorough in its investigation of all relevant technologies. The
list belies thoroughness. What is not mentioned is any subproject
addressing electromagnetic technology. The reason this is
significant is both historical and contemporary.
It is known
from open source literature that during the time of project
MKULTRA, scientists in several countries were reporting research about
using electromagnetic energy to influence the mind. It is
not believable that the CIA was unaware of this research. Moreover,
we now know that perhaps the largest effort in this area was in the Soviet
Union and Eastern European countries. We also know that the Soviet Union
achieved success and the assessment from Russian scientists who have been
interviewed is that they were operating at least a third-generation system
of the technology when the Soviet Union imploded.
Family Jewel may well have been a throwaway to protect something much
more valuable. We will all know someday what accuracy there is in this
speculation. As will be addressed below, there appears to be more than one
link to UFO phenomena and mind control technology.
Contemplation of the broader meaning of UFO phenomena
easily leads to serious philosophical and practical areas. Two obvious
ones are the implications for organized religion and the current
scientific paradigm. These and other implications are the vital issues,
but it cannot be assumed that in the case of government these are the
first issues to be considered. It is likely that the government’s first
cut of the situation is a few notches below that level. More likely, it is
much more bureaucratically visceral: how can we handle this and keep on
doing what is normally expected of us?
This is not an
unimportant observation. It may be that the determining factor in the
policy of government secrecy about UFO phenomena is that they have
not been forced to say anything about a subject that probably will be very
awkward to discuss with the American public. As long as they can keep the
media neutralized and either successfully ignore or intimidate the few
serious researchers in the field, they do not have to face the issue of
disclosure. There is nothing particularly mean spirited or
conspiratorial about this. It simply is delaying facing a problem
that they imperfectly understand, and about which there is only one major
area of agreement: they can’t do anything about it.
In some parts
of government, the intelligence community for example, there probably are
some very practical concerns about the UFO phenomena being
observed. This is where the link between what undisclosed mind control
technology the CIA may have been investigating (and may have gone
operational), and UFO phenomena takes place.
One of the most
prevalent phenomena reported by participants who claim UFO
interactions is mind to mind communications. Additionally, some
participants report that the most commonly observed visiting other, the
short Grays, have an
ability to take over a mind, apparently empty it of all knowledge, then
later replace the data base. During this process the mind may temporarily
be given a different data base which supports in the mind’s eye a complex
scenario of cataclysmic world ending.
Any agency that
has an interest in mind control and mind influence technology would
have to be concerned about that alleged capability. The interest may be
high enough to make doubly sure that any independent success the agency
had in this area was still deeply hidden, and that its new interest in
this component of UFO phenomena was also out of public view. When
you think this out, and accept that the mind control phenomena being
presented in UFO phenomena may be real, the potential impact on the
intelligence community would be nothing short of devastating. The
foundation of intelligence activity is secrecy. What happens when there is
a potential to remove that foundation?
The manipulation of
truth to maintain secrecy can be seen in the 1977 joint hearings of
the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and the Senate
Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research, chaired by Senator
Edward Kennedy.
The director of
the Central Intelligence Agency, Admiral Stansfield Turner, was
being questioned concerning aspects of the MKULTRA program.
Huddleston: How about record keeping?
Turner: Yes; I can’t imagine anyone having the gall to think you
can just blithely destroy records today with all the attention that has
come to this, and certainly we are emphasizing that that is not the
case. (Ibid., p. 23)
It wouldn’t be
"gall" that was the operative factor. It would be a rich mixture of belief
that "this nasty job has to be done by somebody, and no one else is more
qualified," and an addictive willingness to bask in the rush of the power
that secret knowledge provides. Of course, the practical tradecraft
explanation is that everything works on a need-to-know basis. That is, all
information is compartmentalized. This is buttressed by the rule of never
putting anything in writing that is vital to the survival of the
organization. But, if you must, never allow more than one copy to exist.
The next example is very important. If you don’t ask the right
question, particularly about classified information, you cannot expect to
get the information you are after. The intelligence community is bred to
survive on limiting access to the next layer of knowledge.
Part of the
issue is "need to know," of compartmentalization of information and
Huddleston: Is there any indication that knowledge gained as a
result of these experiments as been useful or is being applied in any
way to present operations?
Mr. Brody: (Senior CIA
employee) Senator, I am not sure if there is any body of knowledge. A
great deal of what there was, I gather, was destroyed [by orders of the
Director of CIA] in 1973. I would like to defer to Frank here. Do you
know of any?
Mr. Laubinger (CIA Office of Technical
Services): I know of no drugs or anything like that developed under this
program that ever reached operational use or are in use today.
Senator Huddleston: So apparently any information that
was gathered was apparently useless and not worth continuing, not worth
further development on the part of the Agency.
Turner: I think that is basically correct. (Ibid., p. 43)
Look at
Laubinger’s narrow, conditioned and therefore probably truthful
answer. It was focused strictly on operational programs using
drugs, and his knowledge about that. Brody’s response was
disingenuous. It denied the possibility that the scientists doing the
contract research would have their own documentation. And, if that had
been swept up by the Agency (a real possibility), at least they
would have memories of their work.
But there is
another issue that fleetingly surfaced and disappeared. Huddleston
was the first questioner to ask about "operational" use of these
technologies, versus "experimentation" with them. If an experimental
program had gone operational, continuing questioning about the experiments
would not easily lead to knowledge about its operational status. There is
more than a hint in this short exchange of CIA counterintelligence
at work. The objective is to move the issue to a safe part of unimportant
The tactic is
part of hiding in the light, to be alert to every opportunity to turn
truth, natural good fortune, bad fortune and luck to maximum advantage.
Reality really sells. It requires little explanation and no defense.
The Agency had established an eager willingness to share all it
could find about a program that actually wasn’t very successful. That part
was most likely verifiably true. But this truth shadowed more important
truth that would not be volunteered.
Another trace of possible
counterintelligence activity can be found in this last question and answer
Schweiker: Mr. Gittinger, a moment ago you mentioned brainwashing
techniques, as one area that you had, I guess, done some work in. How
would you characterize the state of the art of brainwashing today ...
Mr. Gittinger (former CIA employee) ...By 1961,
1962, it was at least proven to my satisfaction that brainwashing, so
called, as some kind of an esoteric device where drugs or mind-altering
kinds of conditions and so forth were used, did not exist even though
"The Manchurian Candidate"
as a movie really set us back a long time, because it made something
impossible look plausible. Do you follow what I mean?
But by 1962
and 1963, the general idea that we were able to come up with is that
brainwashing was largely a process of isolating a human being, keeping
him out of contact, putting him under long distress in relationship to
interviewing and interrogating, and that they could produce any change
that way without having to resort to any kind of esoteric means.
(Ibid., p.
Gittinger was sharing accurate information about
brainwashing techniques. But did it also mean that while "esoteric means"
were not necessary to achieve the effect, that such means did not exist?
That certainly is the thought left dangling by his statement. What makes
this whole episode especially interesting is that the reason the
Agency went back to the records one more time after exhaustingly
searching for MKULTRA records for the Church Committee set
up in 1975, is that they were responding to a FOIA request brought by
John D. Marks.
was perceived by the Agency as an indefatigable foe. With co-author
Victor Marchetti (who spent 14 years with the CIA), they had
written an extraordinary expose of the CIA. Their book, The CIA and the Cult of
Intelligence, was touted by the publisher as the first in
American history to be subject to prior government censorship. In a
brilliant move, they printed the book with exactly the same amount of
white space of the censored lines and words. Nearly 200 passages were
printed in boldface type. These were lines first censored but subsequently
yielded up by CIA in legal proceedings. The net result was to
highlight what the Agency wanted to keep secret.
Now, John
Marks was at it again. Very likely the CIA actually did
surprisingly discover seven new boxes of MKULTRA documents in the
Retired Records Center. They said that for the first time they
checked the retired records of the Budget and Fiscal Section of the
Branch responsible for the research, and -- there they were! Actually
it makes little difference whether they were salted there or truly located
for the first time. From a counterintelligence perspective it was an
opportunity to get back on top after being upset.
"won" his FOIA battle, was given some of the newly discovered
material, but was denied the critical data that may have led him to the
fullness of all MKULTRA research. It was determined by Admiral
Turner that the Privacy Act and the moral obligation to protect the
researchers and their institutions from any unjustified embarrassment or
damage to their reputations, kept him as Director of the CIA from
revealing their names to the public. However, they were identified to the
Senate committees on a classified basis.
Now, seventeen
years later in 1994, how many of these researchers are alive? How many of
them are willing to remember details about research not yet in the public
domain? What did this do to Marks? It substantiated that he was
able to use the system to get theretofore classified material, and that
there was still something to learn about MKULTRA. Importantly from
ClA’s view, it kept him on a trail that they had marked and could grumble
about while inwardly smiling.
It should be considered that a
variety of fears on the government’s part probably have played a role in
maintaining its policy of secrecy. One wonders whether the level of fear
has remained essentially the same over the last forty years, or whether it
has increased or decreased because of additional knowledge or lack of
additional knowledge?
We think that it is responsible to encourage
the White House to change its policy, and suspect that until the
public is fully informed, that no process will be identified that will
bring the phenomena out of the apparent "magic" category. Whatever its
source, the phenomena is leading in this dance. We only get what is
offered, and understand little of that. And to the frustration of the
nation-state system, the source of UFO phenomena appears to have a
preference to deal with individuals, not governments.
There is no
evidence that the Congress has been informed by the Executive
branch about information it may have concerning UFO phenomena. If that is
correct, and Congressional interest in the subject can either be
identified or developed, this would nominate a strategy to influence the
White House to change its policy of secrecy.
There is a specific
issue that should provide a strong incentive for Congress to get involved.
On the subject of mind control technologies, Congress was probably misled
during two separate hearings about the MKULTRA program, and it is
possible that an operational mind control system has been in the inventory
of some government agency for a number of years. The Congressional
intelligence committees may or may not see a link between mundane mind
control technologies and UFO related mind control, but I would
be surprised if questions along that line were not asked if hearings were
In summary, do we see government secrecy? Lots of it, and
probably most of it is the common garden variety. Are there secrets about
UFO phenomena? Absolutely. At a minimum are the lines censored out
of FOIA released documents. And, if there wasn’t more, then the
government’s policy of silence and counterintelligence activity would not
be justified. Remember that the government has never said that there is no
additional information. However, government silence and secrecy does not
prove the reality of any UFO phenomena. What is needed is all the
What to do about this? I suspect that in the end all of the
fringe speculation will be lopped off as simply nuts. The truth will be
exciting enough without trying to force-fit UFO phenomena with the fear
based cries of those against income tax, the Federal Reserve System,
international Jewish bankers, the Club of Rome, the Council of Foreign Relations,
etc., etc. These fear mongers have a variety of other agendas which have
nothing to do with UFO phenomena.
Let us work together
responsibly to encourage and to allow the White House to face its
responsibilities on this issue. Additionally, the U.S. Congress needs to
be brought into the loop, first to assure that it has all the information
available on the subject, and then to perform its constitutional role as a
check on the executive.
Whatever the truth on this subject, it is
time to face it.
U.S. Senate,
Foreign and Military Intelligence, Book 1. Final Report of the Select
Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence
Activities, 94th Congress, April 25, 1976. See pp.
U.S. Senate,
Project MKULTRA, the CIA’s Program of Research in Behavioral
Modification, Joint Hearing, 95th Congress, 1st
Session, August 3, 1977.